
Thursday, May 27, 2010

T-Shirt Bag

A couple of nights ago I was waiting for my husband to get home from work and I was trying not to fall asleep.  I did something I hardly ever do because my computer is always being used, I surfed the web!  Everyone was sleeping and the house was quiet.  In other words no one was demanding my time.  This usually only happens if I get up at 5:00 in the morning.  I discovered it can happen if I stay up really late too.  The only problem is I am much more of a morning person than a night person.  So anyway, I was surfing the web and came across how to make a t-shirt purse.  My sister had made one a while ago that I thought was really cute and I looked up to see if I could see how she did it.  I could have just called her, but I didn't think she would appreciate a phone call so late at night.  I never did find the one she made, but I did find this one on a you-tube video.  My daughter, her friend, and I spent a good portion of the evening around our dining room table creating.  It was fun for us and I am sure you will find it fun too.

What you will need:  A t-shirt, duct tape (which can be found in more colors than you ever imagined at Walmart), scissors, stapler, and ruler. I forgot to include the ruler and scissors in the picture.  Note:  When selecting a t-shirt, realize that if it has an image on the front, when your purse is done, the image will be on the side.

The first thing you do is turn the shirt inside out and cut off the sleeves.

Now start lining the shirt with the duct tape.  You need to do both sides.

Trim off the excess duct tape.  Be careful not to cut into the shirt on the sides and top.  You can trim it around the arm holes and neck line to even it out.  I used a marker to draw it out before I cut into it.

Now turn the bag so that the sides are the front and back.  You will be able to see how the bag is taking shape.  Using a ruler, draw a straight line across the bottom of the shirt and staple across your line.

Trim up the bottom of the bag so that you have an even cut just below the staples.  Cover the staples front and back with another piece of duct tape.  I laid down the duct tape so that half of it covered the staples on the back and folded it over to cover the other half.

Now you can turn it right side out and your done, or you can make the corners a little nicer.  You do this by marking the corners 2 inches from the point, draw a line across it and staple it again.  Put more duct tape over the staples.  Now turn it right side out and you are done.  You may want to do a little more taping on the inside to make sure the flaps of the corners stay down on the inside of your bag.

Have fun showing off your new creation!  If you can figure it out, send me some pictures of what yours looks like.  Even if you can't show me pictures, I would love to hear from you!


  1. Dear Readers,
    I saw this purse and others in person and they really are adorable. They would make a cute beach bag.
    Happy taping!

  2. I love it! It's so cute and looks like fun to make. I wanna make one. Thanks, you're so creative. What a great find.
    Blessings, judy
