
Saturday, May 22, 2010


I found my Mother's day bulletin stuck in my journal when I opened it up today to start writing.  I'm sure it wasn't an accident.  The message that Sunday was on hope.  Last night was my daughters regional track meet.  She raced to qualify for the state meet in the 2 mile run.  Many family and friends gathered to cheer her on.  We positioned ourselves around the whole track so that she could hear a familiar voice calling her name the entire race.  The dictionary describes hope as "desire accompanied by expectation."  I'd venture to say we had more desire than anyone else in that stadium.  In order to qualify, she had to either come in at least 2nd place, or run it in 11:35.  Her best time before last night was a 12:28.  The standings placed her at 12th out of the 30 runners.  No one outside of the family and friends that gathered to see her run had great expectations for her.  In fact, the fact that she was leading the race for the first mile surprised a few coaches I'm sure.  Finishing 4th was very impressive.  Our disappointment in her not qualifying had nothing to do with her lack of effort.  As a mom I just wanted her to have the desire of her heart and for all her hard work to bring her to the state meet as it had in the past.  I know she couldn't have done any better than she did and I am extremely proud of her.

There will always be disappointments that happen in this life.  Anything we are hoping in that is earth bound has the potential to disappoint.  As a Christian though our ultimate hope is in Christ.  The Bible has much to say about hope.  Here are just two verses from Romans.  The first is from Romans 5:5 "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."  Romans 15:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  I am happy to report that even though my daughter really desired to be preparing for the state meet, her ultimate desire is in Christ.  Even though she was disappointed, her heart is still filled with joy because Christ resides there!  May you have joy too this day.


  1. thank you Mom :) I loved this!

    Love, Brooke!

  2. Susan,
    What a beautiful account of the story of that race. It was an exciting night for all of us. What was more exciting for me was to see how well Brooke accepted that she almost qualified for state. It is the losses in life that shows our character and it made me so proud to see what great a Christian character looks like especially when it is shown by our granddaughter. Love, Mom
