
Friday, January 15, 2010


My oldest daughter will be coming home from school tomorrow, so I hope by Monday to be able to post some more how-to pictures or videos.  I really need to take some good notes this time.  I feel like my 3 year old would be able to figure it out faster than me!  Without a doubt what I need most right now is encouragement, and I bet you could too.  With everything going on in this world, it can start to bring me down.  I was so thankful to fall upon these words today from Psalm 115: 11  "You who respect the Lord should trust him; he is your helper ;and your protection."  What comfort these verses bring when everything seems to be turned upside down in this world.  I respect God, he is my helper and my protection.  This is like me telling my children not to be afraid of something I know as a parent I can help them out with.   Only this is so far greater because it is God and everything is in His power.  Yes, certain things will happen that I do not understand and I wish would change, but ultimately God is in control and I know He loves me, wants a relationship with me, and even sent Jesus so that we would never have to be separated by sin again.  Psalm 115 continues with more encouragement in verses 13 and 14.  "The Lord will bless those who respect him, from the smallest to the greatest.  May the Lord give you success, and may he give your children success."  Thank you Jesus!  May it be so.

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