
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Fever Guy is Going Home!"

In the wee hours of the morning at about 2:00 Ron finally gave in to go to the hospital. After fighting with a fever and headache for a week,  he was at last talked into the fact that he was in fact loosing the battle and needed professional help.  This is no easy task when you do not have health coverage and financial struggles have become a regular part of the family- not a guest, but a 20 year part of the family that we somehow adopted and do not know how to tell it is time to move on!  But anyway, after 11 hours and many tests ranging from blood work to a CAT Scan the doctor is going with the diagnosis of sinus infection and pronounced for all to hear in the observation ward "The fever guy is going home!"  We left with Ron having no fever and no headache.  Although a slight fever has returned, I am so relieved he is doing much better.

Psalm 90:12 comes to mind, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."  I am reminded in these words how life is a gift and none of our days are guaranteed.  They are truly a gift.  Even the days (and there have been plenty) that struggles have come, those days are gifts too. A little further down in Psalm 90 it says in verse 15, "Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble."  I pray that we get relief for as many years as we have seen trouble.  But even so, my heart is glad right now and I choose to rejoice in this life God has given me- full of people I love, especially Ron!

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for your blessings.  Thank you for the hospital being right across the street and for the modern medicine we have in this country. Thank you that Ron is doing so much better.  Thank you for protecting Makayla and RJ while we were gone.  Thank you for the blessing of great family and friends.  I do not deserve any of this.  Please have mercy on us and provide a way for all of the hospital bills to be taken care of.  I pray Psalm 90:15 for my own.  "Make me glad for as many years as I have seen trouble."  In Your Name Jesus, Amen

I do not know if anyone even reads this, but I want to thank some people for their kindness shown to us yesterday.  First, to my awesome mom who brought over a huge dinner for my family while we were taking a nap.  How great that was stumbling out of my room to the aroma that only a mom prepared meal can bring, complete with chocolate cake for dessert!  I also want to thank my sister Alison for brainstorming and offering to help anyway she could with how to help me juggle RJ being watched while Brooke and Makayla had to be at basketball practice.  I was also kept company by Katelyn at 2:30 in the morning via texting.  It was nice to be able to spend some time with you, Katelyn, even if the circumstances aren't the greatest!  I also want to thank my circle of friends who found out about this whole ordeal and offered to help in anyway they could.  I know you all mean it, and that makes us so happy and thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Susan,
    I am not sure I know what I am doing trying to respond to your blog but I am giving it a whirl. What a beautiful entry, you are a wonderul Christian wife, mother, sister and daughter. I am so very proud of you. I am concerned and I know dad will be as well when I tell him about your hospital bill. You told me yesterday that they are working things out. What are they working out? Please let us know. Maybe we can help you out somehow. I know you don't have much but I truly wish you would let dad and I pay for Dave Ramey's class for you and Ron. He may have some more tips that you haven't thought of to lift you out of the pit! I love you.
