
Thursday, December 23, 2010


Luke 2:19
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

I am up early this morning when I could be sleeping in because I cannot get this verse out of my mind.  Every time I hear it read I know there is something I need to learn from it.   When reading the whole passage, Luke 2:1-20, I believe Mary was the only female in the cast of main players.  Given the stereoptypes of men and women I find it amusing that it is the men telling all they had seen and heard and it was Mary "pondering it all in her heart."

This gets me thinking what I would have done.  I realize this is a different time and I have never had something happen to me as miraculous as giving birth to the creator of the world!  But given my past reactions to exciting tidings I am pretty certain a phone would be involved.  I might ponder for about 3 seconds, at best, who I was going to tell, but storing this information in my heart?  I crave this kind of reaction for myself.  How many times do I open the treasure chest of unbelievable gifts God has blessed me with and just pondered them?  I'm not saying there is never a time to react as the shepherds did, but I am saying there are times to react a Mary did.  She settled herself apart for the moment and allowed God to recall to her mind all that had come to pass the past nine months.

I have so many unbelievable things that have happened to me just in the past week.  God has answered my prayers in significant, rich ways and I want to treasure that this very day!  The idea of "treasuring up" a thought is that you can pull it out again.  I am sure Mary had to pull these thoughts that she had on Christmas Day on Good Friday when she was watching her son die.  I am also certain she had new treasures to store on Easter morning when her son had risen!

Thank you Jesus for your words to me today.  Help me to do less talking and doing and more listening and being still.  Thank you for all you have done in my life.  Thank you for working everything out for your glory.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Susan,
    That truly was a beautiful entry. I too have thought about that portion of scripture before. Mary must have been wise beyond her years. Doesn't it give you the chills knowing one day we will get to meet her?
    Love you,
    You have posted so many entries since I last checked. I made a new one myself just a couple of days ago.
