
Friday, May 7, 2010

Good Catch

John 21:1-12 tells the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples after the resurrection.  The disciples were out fishing early in the morning and had not caught anything.  Jesus calls from the shore "Friends, haven't you any fish?"  They tell him "no".  At this point they don't recognize him.  Jesus tells them to cast their net on the other side of the boat.  They do and they had such a good catch they could barely haul the net in because the nets were so heavy.  Then their eyes were opened to the fact it was Jesus standing on the shore. Peter didn't even wait until they got to shore, he jumped out of the boat and into the water to go be with Jesus.

After reading this I had to ask myself if I get as excited when I see God do a great thing in my life?  Do I even follow the directions in the first place to have the blessing?  Jesus asked them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat.  Why did they listen?  They could have said "Whatever, this guy is crazy." But they obeyed and God did a miracle.  He blessed them with so many fish they could barely get to shore!  They were actually burdened with blessings- what a great problem to have!  I want to remember this story throughout my day.  I want to listen, obey, recognize and praise!

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