
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Misguided Monarch

Today I opened my Fingerprints of God devotional Bible study I am doing by Jennifer Rothschild.  I found before me a story from the Old Testament that fits in perfect for Passion Week.  I never would have remembered this "misguided monarch" as Jennifer named him.  His name was Manasseh and he became King of Israel at only 12 years old.  2 Chronicles 33 tells the whole story, but let me give you a brief summery.

He was basically evil and led God's chosen  people away so that they turned more evil than the people who God delivered them from.  How evil? He did a bunch of evil things according to 2 Chronicles 33:1-8.  For starters the verses say he followed detestable practices and went so far as to sacrifice his sons in fire (pretty evil, I told you)  He also rebuilt high places, erected alters to false gods, worshipped false gods, built alters in the temples, practiced sorcery, divination and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists.  It says that God spoke to him and the people, but they ignored Him. They "paid no attention."  So the Lord brought againt him the King of Assyria who led him away with a hook in his nose (gross!) and shackles on his feet and brought him to Babylon.  But here is the best part of the story in 2 Chronicles 33:12-13, "In his distress he (Manasseh) sought the favor of God and humbled himself greatly.  And when he prayed the Lord was moved and listened to his plea and rescued him.  Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God."  After this he changed his life around and got rid of all the false gods and anything to do with worshipping them and only worshipped the One True God.

What a great story to read, especially if you think your sin is too great for God to hear you.  When we humble ourselves before our Maker, as Manasseh did, God hears us and wants to restore us.  That is why He sent Jesus.  Romans 5:8 says "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  We have hope because of what happened during Passion Week.  There is nothing you could have done in your life that was so bad that God would not rescue you.  What Great News Easter tells!


  1. Thank you Susan for the great reminder not only of my personal sins but it also a reminder of just how evil our world can get and yet there is still hope for our leaders to turn their hearts toward God. Happy Easter! I know you will put together a great brunch and bless all who enter your home. Hope to see you and your family later in the day.
    Love, Mom

  2. We can't wait to join you guys in the evening. You too have a blessed Easter. I know your meal is going to be awesome as usual.
