
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Enjoying the Warmth

The weather has been unusually warm the past 10 days or so- in the 50's.  It feels so good.  It has been like a mini vacation in the middle of winter.  I'm not sure wether or not we will get more snow, but I want to soak up all this warmness as much as I can.  It starts me thinking of what flowers I am going to plant and how I would like to make the yard look nice.  Something about the warmness of the weather stirs excitement.

I am reminded by the Holy Spirit how Jesus can bring me that sense of renewal every day.  I don't need to wait for the temperature outside to get above 50 degrees to experience warmth.  I can turn to the pages of scripture and find all the ways God cares for me and that warms my heart.  I can have quiet time and pray and feel like I have had a mini vacation in the middle of a winter season of my life.  I can be mindful of God's goodness and be excited about what God is going to work out in my life.

Deuteronomy 12:7 says, "There, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord your God has blessed you."

Thank you Lord for the obvious great blessings you give me.  Thank you for the wilderness times too- where I can learn just how great and mighty and personal you are.  Forgive me for my wandering heart that left to itself , worries and complains.  You are so good.  Amen

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