
Monday, March 22, 2010

Don't Come

Those are the words I told my 3 year old before I laid him down to bed last night, "Don't come."  I said it because for the last couple of weeks he has been showing up in my bed and often times I am too tired to carry him back to his room.  My lack of sleep has been increasing due to the grinding of teeth, snoring, and legs in my back from this little person.  My husband had told him a while back that if he is sick or scared he can come and sleep with us, so he has been saying he is scared and it softens our hearts enough to lift him up onto our bed, but leaving us very tired the following day.  So last night I decided to lay down the new rules.  Basiclly my lines went something like this:  "This is your bed, stay in it no matter what!"  "Do not come into my room until you see the light coming in your window." "I don't want to see you until the morning!"

So 4:30 am rolls around and my husband leaps out of bed to find him curled up in the corner of his bed coughing and crying.  He was sick and scared!  He had a bad dream and a bad cough and I had given him bad instructions of what to do.  He was crying out for me and I hadn't even heard him, my husband thankfully did.  "I want Mommy!" was what he was requesting and I did come once I heard it, but I felt awful when it sank in what he had been going through all alone.  Maybe my tiredness is making me extra emotional, but my mind immediately went to the words of Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

The good news is that Jesus never gives bad instructions.  He would never say don't come to me.  Quite the opposite is true.  There is never a time when he doesn't want us to come and be with Him.  He never slumbers or sleeps.  We are never disturbing him.  He doesn't have "Come to Me" hours.  He welcomes us 24/7!  I know I need to figure this whole thing out with my son coming into my bed- there has to be a healthy balance somewhere.  But today I want it to sink in that Jesus always wants me to come to Him, whatever the circumstances are!


  1. Mom! That's such a great story! It makes me want to cry!

  2. I love you Katelyn. I hope you can always come to me any time you need too.

  3. Susan,
    Wow! What a neat story and what a perfect illustration of God's love for us. Thank you for sharing it. I remember those bed time woes with all you girls. Talk to Alison "Growing Kids" has a great solution to the problem. I love you and I am so proud of you!
