
Monday, March 15, 2010

Bedroom Makeover

This past weekend we did a surprise makeover on our daughter Makayla's room.  I am still astonished at all we accomplished in less than 48 hours.  My oldest daughter, Katelyn, was home from college for spring break and mentioned Friday night that we had talked about painting Makayla's room.  I told her we did plan on doing it sometime soon.  She said "Why not tonight?"  I told her it would probably be too late to do everything that painting would involve.  She was confident we could get it done while Makayla was gone for the weekend.  Never underestimate a house full of go getters!  With the help of Katelyn's friend Melissa, and one of our painter contractor friends, Joe, we picked out the paint and got the room painted before midnight. Katelyn took some cool pictures that we had made into poster size pictures and Saturday morning Katelyn and I went out shopping for material and a new comforter while Ron made cornice boards, a platform bed, put up new trim, and changed all her outlets and installed a dimmer switch.  When we got back from shopping (which was done in the pouring rain toting a 3 year old around), Katelyn made her sister pillows while Ron and I assembled the cornice boards and hung them. By this time our daughter Brooke got home and immediately started helping stuff pillows and whatever else we asked her to do.  Right around 1:30 am we called it quits for the evening and finished up the last details Sunday morning.  It was a cruel fact that we would be actually losing an extra hour of sleep with daylight savings time!  Sunday after church was the big reveal.  Makayla was very happy. Everything didn't really sink in until the evening how much we all did for her.  She didn't want to leave her new room.  She is very happy and so are we.

And why did we do all this?  Simply to lavish on our child.  We wanted to let her know how much she is loved by everyone in the family.  It wasn't because she kept bugging us to redo her room and we finally gave in to her many requests, she only casually mentioned that she would like her room to be painted sometime.  It was because we wanted to.  What kept us going throughout the process was nothing short of an incredible love we have for her.  How much more does God do for us.  1John 3:1 says "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are."

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