
Friday, February 12, 2010

Abundant Living

Living in the United States of America, there is no doubt that I have experienced abundant living.  Look no further than any holiday dinner with a table full of so many side dishes one spoonful of each yields a full plate (not to mention dessert)!  Yet there are times when I do not feel so filled.  It is at these times that I look to the Scriptures to be reminded of where my joy comes from.  Here is a quote from  Jennifer Rothschild that says it so good. "Having our needs met and being ultimately satisfied are two different things.  Satisfying our needs is not the same as satisfying our souls.  We can easily believe that just because our earthly longings are satisfied our heavenly thirst is quenched.  However, we will still be thirsty until we have the ultimate satisfaction of intimacy with God Himself.  That only comes through His Word."

So here are some of those words.  They are found in Jeremiah 15:16 and it says "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty."

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