
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's not always about "doing"

If your like me, your days are filled with things to be checked off a list.  Whether that list is in your mind, or on paper, you constantly are thinking about stuff that needs to get done.  And you know the family is never quite going to understand this.  In fact, as I have talked about before, all they really want to know is "What's for dinner Mom?"  Today I hope to encourage you with Matthew 11:28-29.  "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."  There is no way to get away from "doing" if we are responsible people.  There will always be meals to be made, laundry to be done, errands to run, and the list goes on and on and on.  But what I think we can work on as these responsible people is being.  Being with our creator who desires to hold our hand through the doing.  How does this happen?  So many times when I am going through struggles and I'm "weary and burdened" I have done what Jesus said, I come to Him.  The comfort that comes from ceasing "to do" is so refreshing.  When I come to Him I am acknowledging He is God.  He holds the power to work everything out to His glory.  Most times I am closer to God when I am in a dilemma, than when everything is smooth sailing.  What I need to remember during these times is that Jesus still wants me to come and "be still". Time spent with God just being thankful for all my blessings is refreshing also!  So how do I practically do this?  The "doing" part is getting  up early before anyone can distract me, light a candle, open my bible, read some scripture, and pray.  All this is very important.  However, the most important part is the "being", without it you will miss out on a great gift.  This is where you just rest and do nothing.  That's right NOTHING. This includes not sleeping!  Just allow Jesus to work in your heart and speak to you.  I know we never give ourselves permission to do nothing, but I promise you if you start doing this you will be able to cope with the pressures that come from juggling the chores that fill your day, and the "What's for dinner Mom?" question won't be as stressful.

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